Diabetes Education Kent and Medway


Type 1 Diabetes Education (T1DE) is a programme for people over the age of 18, who have been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes for over 6 months.

On completion of the course, you will have short follow-up sessions at the following checkpoints:

  • 6 weeks post-completion
  • 6 months post completion
  • 12 months after completion

Participants will also be expected to have blood testing carried out prior to the 6 month and 1 year follow up.

Course objectives

  • Learn how to adjust mealtime insulin, in accordance with diet and activity,
  • Gain confidence to be proactive in managing your diabetes and improving your glycaemic control

Course delivery

This is a four-day programme that runs one day per week from 9.30-3.30pm across four weeks.